I found this video, I know it isn't in English but I searched and I didn't found it in English. But I just liked it too much and I found it so interresting that I just couldn't don't put it in my trith post!
This video is about xenophobia and it's a black man that shock with a white man in the street and the white man say to him horrible things like go home go to your country and take with you the rest of the others human races (of the country of the white man) and 2or 3 seconds later the white man is hited by a car. After it, he goes to the hospital and the doctor that watch him is a black man.
It's like a lesson, some people don't know that lots of other races are the contribute to our desenvolvment and to the salveless of our humanity.
Eheh cool post . i've already whatched that video tho