The infamous cases in which people have been executed for beliefs perceived to be heretic are generally recognisable as persecution; Other cases in which adherents of different religions (or denominations) are treated unequally before the law are sometimes difficult to assess. If behind laws, regulations or acts of authority perceived to be discriminating against a certain religion there is the intention 'encourage' people to abandon their beliefs, they are religious persecution nonetheless; But if they don't threat with the death penalty or severe imprisonment, they are in comparison described as mild forms of religious persecution or as religious discrimination.
Furthermore, even in societies where Freedom of Religion is a constitutional right, sometimes adherents of religious minorities voice concerns about religious discrimination against them. Insofar legal policies are concerned, cases that are perceived as religious discrimination might be the result of an interference of the religious sphere with other spheres of the public that are regulated by law (and not aimed specifically against a religious minority.) Generally people are free to have these issues clarified through the juridical system.
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