- "I don't stand for the black man's side; I don’t stand for the white man's side. I stand for God's side."
- "Don´t forget your history nor your destiny."
- "Open your eyes & look within, are you satisfied with the life you living."
- "Just can't live that negative way...make way for the positive day!"
- "Until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally discredited and abandoned...WAR! So that is prophecy, and everyone knows that is truth. And it came out of the mouth of Rastafari."
- "I believe in freedom for everyone, not just the black man."
- "No man can lead man, we have to have unity."
- "I don't have prejudice against myself. My father was a white and my mother was black. Them call me half-caste or whatever. Me don't dip on nobody's side. Me don't dip on the black man's side nor the white man's side. Me dip on God's side, the one who create me and cause me to come from black and white."
I start my work with some famous quotes by Bob Marley, I think that he made a big diference in some people. Because with his quotes and songs he changed many minds and open the eyes of many racist and descriminated people.
I considerate Bob Marley like a person that can make the diference and he maked a big diference without fair or incourage.
We all need to be a little bit of Bob Marley
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